------------------------------------------- JSON ------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE INPUT OUTPUT ENCODE to_json(JSON) byte flag latin1 to_json(JSON) flag flag utf8 from_json(JSON) byte flag latin1 from_json(JSON) flag flag utf8 encode_json(JSON) flag byte encode_json(JSON::XS) flag byte decode_json(JSON) byte flag utf8 decode_json(JSON::XS) byte flag utf8 decode(JSON OO) byte flag utf8 decode(JSON OO) flag flag utf8 ------------------------------------------- YAML ------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE INPUT OUTPUT ENCODE Load(YAML) byte byte Load(YAML) flag flag utf8 Load(YAML::XS) byte flag utf8 Dump(YAML) byte byte Dump(YAML) flag flag utf8 Dump(YAML::XS) flag byte
JSON & JSON::XS has same interface.
JSON & YAML::XS has same input/output pattern, but YAML is different.
JSON OO's code:
For encoding, utf8 method is only for output.
$perl_data must be turned utf8 flag on.
JSON->new->utf8(1)->encode($perl_data); # utf8 encoded scalar JSON->new->utf8(0)->encode($perl_data); # utf8 flag scalar
To get the above table, I used the following code.
#!/usr/bin/perl use feature qw/say/; use strict; use warnings; use Encode; use JSON (); use JSON::XS (); use YAML (); use YAML::XS (); sub json { return { input => { flag => { json => do {use utf8; q{{"hoge" : "あ"}}}, data => do {use utf8; {"hoge" => "あ"}}, }, byte => { json => do {no utf8; q{{"hoge" : "あ"}}}, data => do {no utf8; {"hoge" => "あ"}}, }, }, code => { json => { 'from_json(JSON)' => sub {my $r = eval {JSON::from_json(shift)}; $r ? (1, $r) : (0, $@)}, 'decode_json(JSON)' => sub {my $r = eval {JSON::decode_json(shift)}; $r ? (1, $r) : (0, $@)}, 'decode_json(JSON::XS)' => sub {my $r = eval {JSON::XS::decode_json(shift)}; $r ? (1, $r) : (0, $@)}, 'decode(JSON OO)' => sub {my $d = shift; my $r = JSON->new->utf8(!utf8::is_utf8($d))->decode($d); (1, $r)}, }, data => { 'to_json(JSON)' => sub {my $r = eval {JSON::to_json(shift)}; $r ? (1, $r) : (0, $@)}, 'encode_json(JSON)' => sub {my $r = eval {JSON::encode_json(shift)}; $r ? (1, $r) : (0, $@)}, 'encode_json(JSON::XS)' => sub {my $r = eval {JSON::XS::encode_json(shift)}; $r ? (1, $r) : (0, $@)}, } } }; } sub yaml { return { input => { flag => { yaml => do {use utf8; qq{---\nhoge : あ\n}}, data => do {use utf8; {"hoge" => "あ"}}, }, byte => { yaml => do {no utf8; qq{---\nhoge : あ\n}}, data => do {no utf8; {"hoge" => "あ"}}, }, }, code => { yaml => { 'Load(YAML)' => sub {my $r = eval {YAML::Load(shift)}; $r ? (1, $r) : (0, $@)}, 'Load(YAML::XS)' => sub {my $r = eval {YAML::XS::Load(shift)}; $r ? (1, $r) : (0, $@)}, }, data => { 'Dump(YAML)' => sub {my $r = eval {YAML::Dump(shift)}; $r ? (1, $r) : (0, $@)}, 'Dump(YAML::XS)' => sub {my $r = eval {YAML::XS::Dump(shift)}; $r ? (1, $r) : (0, $@)}, } } }; } execute("JSON", \&json); execute("YAML", \&yaml); sub execute { my ($label, $type) = @_; my %input = %{$type->()->{input}}; my %sub = %{$type->()->{code}}; say "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; say "$label"; say "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; my %result; foreach my $in (keys %input) { foreach my $format (keys %{$input{$in}}) { foreach my $sub (keys %{$sub{$format}}) { my $code = $sub{$format}->{$sub}; my ($success, $content) = $code->($input{$in}->{$format}); if ($success) { my $c; my $flg = utf8::is_utf8($format eq 'data' ? ($c = $content) : ($c = $content->{hoge})); $c ||= ''; $flg ||= 0; my $encode = ''; $encode = (grep {ord($_) >= 0x100} ($c =~m{(.)}g)) ? 'utf8' : 'latin1' if $flg; $result{$format}->{$sub}->{$in} = {success => 1, flag => ($flg ? 'flag' : 'byte'), encode => $encode, content => ($flg ? Encode::encode($encode, $c) : $c)}; } else { $content ||= ''; $content =~s{at /home/.+$}{}; $result{$format}->{$sub}->{$in} = {success => 0, error => $content}; } } } } my $line_format = "%-21s %5s %2s %6s %-20s %s\n"; printf $line_format, 'SUBROUTINE', 'INPUT', 'OK', 'OUTPUT', 'CONTENT', 'ERROR'; say ""; foreach my $format (keys %result) { foreach my $sub (sort keys %{$result{$format}}) { foreach my $input (keys %{$result{$format}{$sub}}) { $result{$format}{$sub}{$input}->{content} =~s{\n}{ }g if $result{$format}{$sub}{$input}->{content}; $result{$format}{$sub}{$input}->{error} =~s{\n}{ }g if $result{$format}{$sub}{$input}->{error}; printf $line_format, $sub, $input, map {$_ // ''} @{$result{$format}{$sub}{$input}}{qw/success flag content error/}; } } } }