-C か環境変数でやる
perl -CA -e 'print utf8::is_utf8($ARGV[0]);' あああ PERL_UNICODE=A perl -e 'print utf8::is_utf8($ARGV[0]);' あああ
-CやPERL_UNICODEが取れる値は、perldoc perlrun にあります。以下、抜粋。
-C [number/list] The "-C" flag controls some Unicode of the Perl Unicode features. As of 5.8.1, the "-C" can be followed either by a number or a list of option letters. The letters, their numeric values, and effects are as follows; listing the letters is equal to summing the numbers. I 1 STDIN is assumed to be in UTF-8 O 2 STDOUT will be in UTF-8 E 4 STDERR will be in UTF-8 S 7 I + O + E i 8 UTF-8 is the default PerlIO layer for input streams o 16 UTF-8 is the default PerlIO layer for output streams D 24 i + o A 32 the @ARGV elements are expected to be strings encoded in UTF-8 L 64 normally the "IOEioA" are unconditional, the L makes them conditional on the locale environment variables (the LC_ALL, LC_TYPE, and LANG, in the order of decreasing precedence) -- if the variables indicate UTF-8, then the selected "IOEioA" are in effect
IOE(= S)あたりは、use open ":utf8"; use open ":std"; するより、楽かもーですねぇ。
Encode::Argv を使う
% perl -e 'use Encode::Argv 'utf8'; print utf8::is_utf8($ARGV[0])' あああ
% perl -e 'use Encode::Argv; print utf8::is_utf8($ARGV[0])' あああ
% perl -e 'use Encode::Argv utf8 => "euc-jp"; print utf8::is_utf8($ARGV[0])' あああ